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EyeInTheSkyBot (EyeInTheSkyBot)


User Details

User Since
Apr 6 2018, 8:45 AM (363 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity


EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 105 to 106.
Maintenance script changed global group membership for [[User:Tgr-test-WebAuthn-4]]: granted oathauth-tester: Test ([[phab:T389064|T389064]])
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03Maintenance script 5*  10Maintenance script changed global group membership for [[02User:Tgr-test-WebAuthn-410]]: granted oathauth-tester: Test ([[phab:T389064|T389064]])

From: #meta.wikimedia

Thu, Mar 27, 10:31 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 104 to 105.
XXBlackburnXx changed global group membership for [[User:Heihaheihaha]]: changed expiration of global-ipblock-exempt (permanent, was: until 14:19, 1 April 2025)
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03XXBlackburnXx 5*  10XXBlackburnXx changed global group membership for [[02User:Heihaheihaha10]]: changed expiration of global-ipblock-exempt (permanent, was: until 14:19, 1 April 2025)

From: #meta.wikimedia

Thu, Mar 27, 8:27 AM · EyeInTheSky

Wed, Mar 26

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 103 to 104.
EPIC changed global group membership for [[User:ARamadan-WMF]]: granted oathauth-tester: Per T&S request
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03EPIC 5*  10EPIC changed global group membership for [[02User:ARamadan-WMF10]]: granted oathauth-tester: Per T&S request

From: #meta.wikimedia

Wed, Mar 26, 6:54 PM · EyeInTheSky

Tue, Mar 25

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T5875: Unhandled log entry of type messagebundle / deletefok from 2 to 3.
Pppery completed deletion of message bundle [[Course X/en/C1]]: test page, base page doesn't exist
14[[07Special:Log/messagebundle14]]4 deletefok10 02 5* 03Pppery 5*  10Pppery completed deletion of message bundle [[02Course X/en/C110]]: test page, base page doesn't exist

From: #meta.wikimedia

Tue, Mar 25, 5:13 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 102 to 103.
Maintenance script changed global group membership for [[User:Tgr-test-WebAuthn-3]]: granted oathauth-tester: Test ([[phab:T389064|T389064]])
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03Maintenance script 5*  10Maintenance script changed global group membership for [[02User:Tgr-test-WebAuthn-310]]: granted oathauth-tester: Test ([[phab:T389064|T389064]])

From: #meta.wikimedia

Tue, Mar 25, 12:21 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6003: Unhandled log entry of type translationreview / group from 6 to 7.
FuzzyBot changed the state of Ukrainian translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board work|Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board wo
14[[07Special:Log/translationreview14]]4 group10 02 5* 03FuzzyBot 5*  10FuzzyBot changed the state of Ukrainian translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board work|Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board wo

From: #meta.wikimedia

Tue, Mar 25, 4:04 AM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6003: Unhandled log entry of type translationreview / group from 5 to 6.
FuzzyBot changed the state of German translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board work|Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board work]
14[[07Special:Log/translationreview14]]4 group10 02 5* 03FuzzyBot 5*  10FuzzyBot changed the state of German translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board work|Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board work]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Tue, Mar 25, 4:04 AM · EyeInTheSky

Mon, Mar 24

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 101 to 102.
Xaosflux changed global group membership for [[User:Kggucwa]]: granted global-ipblock-exempt (temporary, until 22:55, 24 June 2025): [[ticket:2025032410024912]]
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03Xaosflux 5*  10Xaosflux changed global group membership for [[02User:Kggucwa10]]: granted global-ipblock-exempt (temporary, until 22:55, 24 June 2025): [[ticket:2025032410024912]]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Mon, Mar 24, 10:55 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 100 to 101.
Johannnes89 changed global group membership for [[User:Qwertytam]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28444658|request]]
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03Johannnes89 5*  10Johannnes89 changed global group membership for [[02User:Qwertytam10]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28444658|request]]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Mon, Mar 24, 9:52 AM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6000: Unhandled log entry of type abusefilter / hit from 28 to 29.
APatro (WMF) triggered [[Special:AbuseFilter/319|filter 319]], performing the action "edit" on [[WikiLearn/Courses/course-v1:Wikimedia-Foundation+wmf commdev partnerships cg+2022/en/block-v1:Wikimedia-Foundation+wmf commdev partnerships cg+2022+type@chapter+block@d38dd09833714b5194efc7a1d22342e6]]. Actions taken: Disallow ([[Special:AbuseLog/3168931|details]
14[[07Special:Log/abusefilter14]]4 hit10 02 5* 03APatro (WMF) 5*  10APatro (WMF) triggered [[Special:AbuseFilter/319|filter 319]], performing the action "edit" on [[02WikiLearn/Courses/course-v1:Wikimedia-Foundation+wmf commdev partnerships cg+2022/en/block-v1:Wikimedia-Foundation+wmf commdev partnerships cg+2022+type@chapter+block@d38dd09833714b5194efc7a1d22342e610]]. Actions taken: Disallow ([[Special:AbuseLog/3168931|details]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Mon, Mar 24, 3:38 AM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6000: Unhandled log entry of type abusefilter / hit from 27 to 28.
APatro (WMF) triggered [[Special:AbuseFilter/319|filter 319]], performing the action "edit" on [[WikiLearn/Courses/course-v1:Wikimedia-Foundation+wmf commdev partnerships cg+2022/en/block-v1:Wikimedia-Foundation+wmf commdev partnerships cg+2022+type@chapter+block@d38dd09833714b5194efc7a1d22342e6]]. Actions taken: Disallow ([[Special:AbuseLog/3168930|details]
14[[07Special:Log/abusefilter14]]4 hit10 02 5* 03APatro (WMF) 5*  10APatro (WMF) triggered [[Special:AbuseFilter/319|filter 319]], performing the action "edit" on [[02WikiLearn/Courses/course-v1:Wikimedia-Foundation+wmf commdev partnerships cg+2022/en/block-v1:Wikimedia-Foundation+wmf commdev partnerships cg+2022+type@chapter+block@d38dd09833714b5194efc7a1d22342e610]]. Actions taken: Disallow ([[Special:AbuseLog/3168930|details]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Mon, Mar 24, 3:38 AM · EyeInTheSky

Sun, Mar 23

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 99 to 100.
MdsShakil changed global group membership for [[User:HdThomas]]: granted global-ipblock-exempt (temporary, until 18:18, 23 March 2026): per [[m:Special:Permalink/28438382|request]]
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03MdsShakil 5*  10MdsShakil changed global group membership for [[02User:HdThomas10]]: granted global-ipblock-exempt (temporary, until 18:18, 23 March 2026): per [[m:Special:Permalink/28438382|request]]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Sun, Mar 23, 6:18 PM · EyeInTheSky

Sat, Mar 22

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 98 to 99.
Maintenance script changed global group membership for [[User:Tgr-test-WebAuthn-2]]: granted oathauth-tester: Test ([[phab:T389064|T389064]])
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03Maintenance script 5*  10Maintenance script changed global group membership for [[02User:Tgr-test-WebAuthn-210]]: granted oathauth-tester: Test ([[phab:T389064|T389064]])

From: #meta.wikimedia

Sat, Mar 22, 9:32 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 97 to 98.
AramilFeraxa changed global group membership for [[User:Footballcrazyguy]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28435517|request]]
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03AramilFeraxa 5*  10AramilFeraxa changed global group membership for [[02User:Footballcrazyguy10]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28435517|request]]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Sat, Mar 22, 10:00 AM · EyeInTheSky

Fri, Mar 21

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 96 to 97.
علاء changed global group membership for [[User:Guido Nickels]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28430214|request]]
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03علاء 5*  10علاء changed global group membership for [[02User:Guido Nickels10]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28430214|request]]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Fri, Mar 21, 9:18 AM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 95 to 96.
AntiCompositeNumber changed global group membership for [[User:Starscouts]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[Special:Permalink/28429798#2FA Tester for Starscouts|request]]
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03AntiCompositeNumber 5*  10AntiCompositeNumber changed global group membership for [[02User:Starscouts10]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[Special:Permalink/28429798#2FA Tester for Starscouts|request]]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Fri, Mar 21, 5:43 AM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 94 to 95.
AntiCompositeNumber changed global group membership for [[User:SochneyDe]]: granted global-ipblock-exempt (temporary, until 05:39, 21 March 2026): per [[utrs:101432|request]]
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03AntiCompositeNumber 5*  10AntiCompositeNumber changed global group membership for [[02User:SochneyDe10]]: granted global-ipblock-exempt (temporary, until 05:39, 21 March 2026): per [[utrs:101432|request]]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Fri, Mar 21, 5:39 AM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 93 to 94.
AntiCompositeNumber changed global group membership for [[User:星辰之叹]]: granted global-ipblock-exempt: per [[Special:Permalink/28429723#Global IP Block Exempt for 星辰之叹|request]]
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03AntiCompositeNumber 5*  10AntiCompositeNumber changed global group membership for [[02User:星辰之叹10]]: granted global-ipblock-exempt: per [[Special:Permalink/28429723#Global IP Block Exempt for 星辰之叹|request]]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Fri, Mar 21, 5:31 AM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 92 to 93.
AntiCompositeNumber changed global group membership for [[User:Jules Winnfield]]: granted global-ipblock-exempt (temporary, until 05:27, 21 September 2025): per [[Special:Permalink/28429719#Global IP block exempt for Jules Winnfield|request]]
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03AntiCompositeNumber 5*  10AntiCompositeNumber changed global group membership for [[02User:Jules Winnfield10]]: granted global-ipblock-exempt (temporary, until 05:27, 21 September 2025): per [[Special:Permalink/28429719#Global IP block exempt for Jules Winnfield|request]]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Fri, Mar 21, 5:27 AM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 91 to 92.
AntiCompositeNumber changed global group membership for [[User:Brightt11]]: granted global-ipblock-exempt (temporary, until 05:23, 21 September 2025); kept oathauth-tester unchanged: per [[Special:Permalink/28428558#Global IP Block Exempt for Brightt11|request]]
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03AntiCompositeNumber 5*  10AntiCompositeNumber changed global group membership for [[02User:Brightt1110]]: granted global-ipblock-exempt (temporary, until 05:23, 21 September 2025); kept oathauth-tester unchanged: per [[Special:Permalink/28428558#Global IP Block Exempt for Brightt11|request]]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Fri, Mar 21, 5:23 AM · EyeInTheSky

Thu, Mar 20

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6003: Unhandled log entry of type translationreview / group from 4 to 5.
FuzzyBot changed the state of Japanese translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audience as a community|Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audien
14[[07Special:Log/translationreview14]]4 group10 02 5* 03FuzzyBot 5*  10FuzzyBot changed the state of Japanese translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audience as a community|Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audien

From: #meta.wikimedia

Thu, Mar 20, 9:59 AM · EyeInTheSky

Wed, Mar 19

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 90 to 91.
Yahya changed global group membership for [[User:Kadı]]: granted global-ipblock-exempt; kept vrt-permissions unchanged: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28423310|request]], trusted user
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03Yahya 5*  10Yahya changed global group membership for [[02User:Kadı10]]: granted global-ipblock-exempt; kept vrt-permissions unchanged: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28423310|request]], trusted user

From: #meta.wikimedia

Wed, Mar 19, 9:47 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 89 to 90.
MdsShakil changed global group membership for [[User:ShakilBoT]]: granted oathauth-tester: Add oathauth-enable permission to my bot account
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03MdsShakil 5*  10MdsShakil changed global group membership for [[02User:ShakilBoT10]]: granted oathauth-tester: Add oathauth-enable permission to my bot account

From: #meta.wikimedia

Wed, Mar 19, 5:51 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 88 to 89.
KonstantinaG07 changed global group membership for [[User:Well very well]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28421744|request]]
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03KonstantinaG07 5*  10KonstantinaG07 changed global group membership for [[02User:Well very well10]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28421744|request]]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Wed, Mar 19, 3:21 PM · EyeInTheSky

Tue, Mar 18

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 87 to 88.
EPIC changed global group membership for [[User:BetoCG]]: granted global-temporary-account-viewer: Per policy
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03EPIC 5*  10EPIC changed global group membership for [[02User:BetoCG10]]: granted global-temporary-account-viewer: Per policy

From: #meta.wikimedia

Tue, Mar 18, 5:41 AM · EyeInTheSky

Mon, Mar 17

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 86 to 87.
XXBlackburnXx changed global group membership for [[User:Bzsgod]]: changed expiration of global-ipblock-exempt (permanent, was: until 14:01, 18 March 2025): per [[m:Special:Permalink/28414068|request]]
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03XXBlackburnXx 5*  10XXBlackburnXx changed global group membership for [[02User:Bzsgod10]]: changed expiration of global-ipblock-exempt (permanent, was: until 14:01, 18 March 2025): per [[m:Special:Permalink/28414068|request]]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Mon, Mar 17, 10:32 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 86 to 87.
TypeInfo set TheSandDoctor as the mentor of Miketrustwallet (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set TheSandDoctor as the mentor of Miketrustwallet (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:29 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 85 to 86.
TypeInfo set Liance as the mentor of RAMLabs (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set Liance as the mentor of RAMLabs (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:29 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 84 to 85.
TypeInfo set Robertsky as the mentor of Miss Leigh's Piano Studio (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set Robertsky as the mentor of Miss Leigh's Piano Studio (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:29 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 82 to 83.
TypeInfo set Sungodtemple as the mentor of Laborate Pharmaceuticals India Ltd (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set Sungodtemple as the mentor of Laborate Pharmaceuticals India Ltd (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:29 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 83 to 84.
TypeInfo set Goldsztajn as the mentor of Icct20lives (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set Goldsztajn as the mentor of Icct20lives (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:29 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 81 to 82.
TypeInfo set Pichpich as the mentor of CubeFed (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set Pichpich as the mentor of CubeFed (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:28 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 80 to 81.
TypeInfo set NotAGenious as the mentor of Zayyanid56774849 (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set NotAGenious as the mentor of Zayyanid56774849 (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:28 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 79 to 80.
TypeInfo set Fritzmann2002 as the mentor of Tylerskibidi (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set Fritzmann2002 as the mentor of Tylerskibidi (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:28 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 78 to 79.
TypeInfo set Frostly as the mentor of Biggaga11238 (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set Frostly as the mentor of Biggaga11238 (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:28 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 77 to 78.
TypeInfo set GoingBatty as the mentor of Temmielover (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set GoingBatty as the mentor of Temmielover (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:28 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 76 to 77.
TypeInfo set Encoded as the mentor of George19980825 (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set Encoded as the mentor of George19980825 (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:28 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 75 to 76.
TypeInfo set ScrabbleTiles as the mentor of Gybebaggy (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set ScrabbleTiles as the mentor of Gybebaggy (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:28 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 74 to 75.
TypeInfo set Clovermoss as the mentor of DeanAllen.AustraliaMail (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set Clovermoss as the mentor of DeanAllen.AustraliaMail (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:28 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 73 to 74.
TypeInfo set Juxlos as the mentor of DCID Studios (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set Juxlos as the mentor of DCID Studios (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:28 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 72 to 73.
TypeInfo set Cassiopeia as the mentor of Bludclout2345 (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set Cassiopeia as the mentor of Bludclout2345 (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:28 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 71 to 72.
TypeInfo set Capsulecap as the mentor of SDPrecords (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set Capsulecap as the mentor of SDPrecords (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:27 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 70 to 71.
TypeInfo set Encoded as the mentor of NiharikaBansal (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set Encoded as the mentor of NiharikaBansal (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:27 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 69 to 70.
TypeInfo set 1AmNobody24 as the mentor of RichardHornsby5 (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03TypeInfo 5*  10TypeInfo set 1AmNobody24 as the mentor of RichardHornsby5 (no previous mentor): TypeInfo removed TypeInfo from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Mon, Mar 17, 6:27 PM · EyeInTheSky

Sat, Mar 15

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6003: Unhandled log entry of type translationreview / group from 3 to 4.
FuzzyBot changed the state of Japanese translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audience as a community|Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audien
14[[07Special:Log/translationreview14]]4 group10 02 5* 03FuzzyBot 5*  10FuzzyBot changed the state of Japanese translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audience as a community|Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audien

From: #meta.wikimedia

Sat, Mar 15, 9:10 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 85 to 86.
Daniuu changed global group membership for [[User:ZzyzxOh]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28400761|request]]
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03Daniuu 5*  10Daniuu changed global group membership for [[02User:ZzyzxOh10]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28400761|request]]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Sat, Mar 15, 4:49 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 84 to 85.
Xaosflux changed global group membership for [[User:Renamed user 575f6a3e4df945e23fcdbd69ff9e9995]]: revoked oathauth-tester: locked user
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03Xaosflux 5*  10Xaosflux changed global group membership for [[02User:Renamed user 575f6a3e4df945e23fcdbd69ff9e999510]]: revoked oathauth-tester: locked user

From: #meta.wikimedia

Sat, Mar 15, 3:08 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 83 to 84.
Xaosflux changed global group membership for [[User:Renamed user 4350f12ada1e03ed5f72a36b24bd66cc]]: revoked oathauth-tester: locked user
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03Xaosflux 5*  10Xaosflux changed global group membership for [[02User:Renamed user 4350f12ada1e03ed5f72a36b24bd66cc10]]: revoked oathauth-tester: locked user

From: #meta.wikimedia

Sat, Mar 15, 3:08 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 82 to 83.
MdsShakil changed global group membership for [[User:Antoine.b]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28400086|request]]
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03MdsShakil 5*  10MdsShakil changed global group membership for [[02User:Antoine.b10]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28400086|request]]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Sat, Mar 15, 1:54 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 81 to 82.
AramilFeraxa changed global group membership for [[User:Jonwhite]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28398041|request]]
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03AramilFeraxa 5*  10AramilFeraxa changed global group membership for [[02User:Jonwhite10]]: granted oathauth-tester: per [[m:Special:Permalink/28398041|request]]

From: #meta.wikimedia

Sat, Mar 15, 7:14 AM · EyeInTheSky

Fri, Mar 14

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6002: Unhandled log entry of type gblrights / usergroups from 80 to 81.
EPIC changed global group membership for [[User:柏尾菓子]]: granted global-temporary-account-viewer: Per policy, jawiki CU
14[[07Special:Log/gblrights14]]4 usergroups10 02 5* 03EPIC 5*  10EPIC changed global group membership for [[02User:柏尾菓子10]]: granted global-temporary-account-viewer: Per policy, jawiki CU

From: #meta.wikimedia

Fri, Mar 14, 7:52 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 68 to 69.
Tarlby set Zippybonzo as the mentor of BigGagaTwoZero1123 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Zippybonzo as the mentor of BigGagaTwoZero1123 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:07 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 67 to 68.
Tarlby set Ezlev as the mentor of DSilman (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Ezlev as the mentor of DSilman (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:07 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 66 to 67.
Tarlby set Aaron Liu as the mentor of Zhanga1996 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Aaron Liu as the mentor of Zhanga1996 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:07 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 65 to 66.
Tarlby set CFA as the mentor of Prof. Gagan Sen (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set CFA as the mentor of Prof. Gagan Sen (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:07 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 64 to 65.
Tarlby set Adam Black as the mentor of Amorwzita (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Adam Black as the mentor of Amorwzita (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:06 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 63 to 64.
Tarlby set OlifanofmrTennant as the mentor of Graysen12345 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set OlifanofmrTennant as the mentor of Graysen12345 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:06 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 62 to 63.
Tarlby set Mujinga as the mentor of Ieatmypoo (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Mujinga as the mentor of Ieatmypoo (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:06 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 61 to 62.
Tarlby set ToadetteEdit as the mentor of Allseniorsfound (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set ToadetteEdit as the mentor of Allseniorsfound (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:06 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 60 to 61.
Tarlby set Sdkb as the mentor of Extendo30inyoa-ss (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Sdkb as the mentor of Extendo30inyoa-ss (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:06 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 59 to 60.
Tarlby set Estar8806 as the mentor of WinterExiled (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Estar8806 as the mentor of WinterExiled (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:06 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 58 to 59.
Tarlby set AviationFreak as the mentor of Bigbussydestroyer69 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set AviationFreak as the mentor of Bigbussydestroyer69 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:06 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 57 to 58.
Tarlby set Sdkb as the mentor of Deepersa (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Sdkb as the mentor of Deepersa (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:06 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 55 to 56.
Tarlby set Asilvering as the mentor of Waringin Contractors (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Asilvering as the mentor of Waringin Contractors (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:05 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 56 to 57.
Tarlby set GrayStorm as the mentor of Paymell (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set GrayStorm as the mentor of Paymell (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:05 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 54 to 55.
Tarlby set Rusty Cat as the mentor of BuyHydrocodoneOnlineSafelys (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Rusty Cat as the mentor of BuyHydrocodoneOnlineSafelys (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:05 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 53 to 54.
Tarlby set Pbsouthwood as the mentor of Shallotlover69 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Pbsouthwood as the mentor of Shallotlover69 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:05 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 52 to 53.
Tarlby set ~delta as the mentor of 1N15ABCYA (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set ~delta as the mentor of 1N15ABCYA (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:05 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 51 to 52.
Tarlby set Firefangledfeathers as the mentor of Gorilla safaris africa (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Firefangledfeathers as the mentor of Gorilla safaris africa (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:05 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 50 to 51.
Tarlby set Nythar as the mentor of Research Hiker (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Nythar as the mentor of Research Hiker (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:05 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 49 to 50.
Tarlby set SHB2000 as the mentor of YAP2 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set SHB2000 as the mentor of YAP2 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:05 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 48 to 49.
Tarlby set FULBERT as the mentor of Urthstyle (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set FULBERT as the mentor of Urthstyle (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:05 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 47 to 48.
Tarlby set Fathoms Below as the mentor of Wiki cp uploader (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Fathoms Below as the mentor of Wiki cp uploader (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:04 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 46 to 47.
Tarlby set I dream of horses as the mentor of Hasiblaysaallah (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set I dream of horses as the mentor of Hasiblaysaallah (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:04 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 45 to 46.
Tarlby set GraziePrego as the mentor of Vodra.Community (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set GraziePrego as the mentor of Vodra.Community (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:04 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 43 to 44.
Tarlby set OlifanofmrTennant as the mentor of Dr. Coal düşmanları (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set OlifanofmrTennant as the mentor of Dr. Coal düşmanları (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:04 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 44 to 45.
Tarlby set Leonidlednev as the mentor of Nassaucitizen (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Leonidlednev as the mentor of Nassaucitizen (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:04 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 42 to 43.
Tarlby set EF5 as the mentor of SurfsideSteve (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set EF5 as the mentor of SurfsideSteve (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:04 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 41 to 42.
Tarlby set Whpq as the mentor of Bottleofcacaclo (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Whpq as the mentor of Bottleofcacaclo (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:04 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 40 to 41.
Tarlby set Liance as the mentor of 21storeys (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Liance as the mentor of 21storeys (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:04 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 39 to 40.
Tarlby set Frostly as the mentor of Noman1230 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Frostly as the mentor of Noman1230 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:04 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 38 to 39.
Tarlby set Sdkb as the mentor of Owen Rune (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Sdkb as the mentor of Owen Rune (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:04 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 36 to 37.
Tarlby set Schazjmd as the mentor of Pooey man (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Schazjmd as the mentor of Pooey man (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:04 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 37 to 38.
Tarlby set Whpq as the mentor of Quebecguy 4 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Whpq as the mentor of Quebecguy 4 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:04 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 35 to 36.
Tarlby set Ganesha811 as the mentor of AnyShift Tech (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Ganesha811 as the mentor of AnyShift Tech (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:04 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 34 to 35.
Tarlby set TheAstorPastor as the mentor of Dear Earth Magazine (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set TheAstorPastor as the mentor of Dear Earth Magazine (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:04 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 33 to 34.
Tarlby set Whpq as the mentor of Khan Design Studio (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Whpq as the mentor of Khan Design Studio (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:04 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 32 to 33.
Tarlby set Qwerfjkl as the mentor of Jhenyffer Rhyany (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Qwerfjkl as the mentor of Jhenyffer Rhyany (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:03 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 31 to 32.
Tarlby set Endrabcwizart as the mentor of Md.Sadik-E-Tawheed (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Endrabcwizart as the mentor of Md.Sadik-E-Tawheed (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:03 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 30 to 31.
Tarlby set Sirdog as the mentor of AngelsRollTheirEyes (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Sirdog as the mentor of AngelsRollTheirEyes (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:03 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 29 to 30.
Tarlby set Ipigott as the mentor of NoiceBoi11 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Ipigott as the mentor of NoiceBoi11 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:03 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 28 to 29.
Tarlby set Goldsztajn as the mentor of AdityaPatelWiNNERS (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Goldsztajn as the mentor of AdityaPatelWiNNERS (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:03 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 27 to 28.
Tarlby set TheAstorPastor as the mentor of Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set TheAstorPastor as the mentor of Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:03 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 26 to 27.
Tarlby set LindsayH as the mentor of Engr. Muhammad Shamim (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set LindsayH as the mentor of Engr. Muhammad Shamim (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:03 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 25 to 26.
Tarlby set CanonNi as the mentor of Rusticduster (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set CanonNi as the mentor of Rusticduster (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:03 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 24 to 25.
Tarlby set JayCubby as the mentor of BRAND ARI (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set JayCubby as the mentor of BRAND ARI (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:03 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 23 to 24.
Tarlby set SHB2000 as the mentor of Hubo278 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set SHB2000 as the mentor of Hubo278 (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:03 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 22 to 23.
Tarlby set GoldRomean as the mentor of Asianpromotion (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set GoldRomean as the mentor of Asianpromotion (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:03 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 21 to 22.
Tarlby set Alaexis as the mentor of Sumsore (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set Alaexis as the mentor of Sumsore (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:03 PM · EyeInTheSky
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for T6004: Unhandled log entry of type growthexperiments / setmentor-no-previous-mentor from 20 to 21.
Tarlby set 94rain as the mentor of Elateorthodontics (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship
14[[07Special:Log/growthexperiments14]]4 setmentor-no-previous-mentor10 02 5* 03Tarlby 5*  10Tarlby set 94rain as the mentor of Elateorthodontics (no previous mentor): Tarlby removed Tarlby from mentorship

From: #en.wikipedia

Fri, Mar 14, 6:03 PM · EyeInTheSky