:silver.libera.chat 004 stw2 silver.libera.chat solanum-1.0-dev DGMQRSZaghilopsuwz CFILMPQRSTbcefgijklmnopqrstuvz bkloveqjfI
:silver.libera.chat 005 stw2 ETRACE FNC SAFELIST ELIST=CMNTU CALLERID=g MONITOR=100 KNOCK WHOX CHANTYPES=# EXCEPTS INVEX CHANMODES=eIbq,k,flj,CFLMPQRSTcgimnprstuz :are supported by this server
:silver.libera.chat 005 stw2 CHANLIMIT=#:250 PREFIX=(ov)@+ MAXLIST=bqeI:100 MODES=4 NETWORK=Libera.Chat STATUSMSG=@+ CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 NICKLEN=16 MAXNICKLEN=16 CHANNELLEN=50 TOPICLEN=390 DEAF=D :are supported by this server
:silver.libera.chat 005 stw2 TARGMAX=NAMES:1,LIST:1,KICK:1,WHOIS:1,PRIVMSG:4,NOTICE:4,ACCEPT:,MONITOR: EXTBAN=$,ajrxz :are supported by this server
:emerald.lizardirc.org 004 stw emerald.lizardirc.org InspIRCd-2.0 BRSWcghikorsw ABCFHIJKLMOPRSTVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwz FHIJLVXYZabdefghjkloqvw
:emerald.lizardirc.org 005 stw AWAYLEN=200 CALLERID=g CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 CHANMODES=IXZbegw,k,FHJLVdfjl,ABCKMOPRSTcimnprstuz CHANNELLEN=64 CHANTYPES=# CHARSET=ascii ELIST=MU EXCEPTS=e EXTBAN=,ABCORSTUcjmrz FNC INVEX=I KICKLEN=255 :are supported by this server
:emerald.lizardirc.org 005 stw MAP MAXBANS=60 MAXCHANNELS=200 MAXPARA=32 MAXTARGETS=20 MODES=20 NAMESX NETWORK=LizardIRC NICKLEN=64 OVERRIDE PREFIX=(Yqaohv)!~&@%+ REMOVE SECURELIST :are supported by this server
:emerald.lizardirc.org 005 stw SSL=[::]:6697 STARTTLS STATUSMSG=!~&@%+ TOPICLEN=80000 USERIP VBANLIST WALLCHOPS WALLVOICES WATCH=1024 :are supported by this server
## Channel modes (`CHANMODES`)
A = Mode that adds or removes a nick or address to a list. Always has a parameter.
B = Mode that changes a setting and always has a parameter.
C = Mode that changes a setting and only has a parameter when set.
D = Mode that changes a setting and never has a parameter.
| Freenode | LizardIRC | Libera Chat |P = Prefix (not listed in CHANMODES)
| Network | 004 Numeric respose | CHANMODES |
| --- | --- | --- |
|----------|-----------|------------- LizardIRC (InspIRCd 2) | `ABCFHIJKLMOPRSTVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwz` ` FHIJ L VXYZabd efgh jkl o q vw ` | `CHANMODES=IXZbegw,k,FHJLVdfjl,ABCKMOPRSTcimnprstuz` |
| Libera Chat | `CFILMPQRSTbcefgijklmnopqrstuvz` ` I b ef jkl o q v ` | `CHANMODES=eIbq,k,flj,CFLMPQScgimnprstz | CHANMODES=IXZbegw,k,FHJLVdfjl,ABCKMOPRSTcimnprstuz | CHANMODES=eIbq,k,flj,CFLMPQRSTcgimnprstuz |RSTcgimnprstuz` |
InspIRCd 2 documentation: https://github.com/inspircd/inspircd-docs/tree/b942f5215807403c2abab002a48f1c4f3424cbc2/docs
### List mModes
| Mode | Name IRClib support | Oper-only | Name | Type | Libera Chat (`eIbq`) | LizardIRC `IXZbegw` | HMB?| InspIRCd2 notes | |
|------|-------------|----------|-----------|----| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| b | A | Ban No | | !!Yes!! | !!Yes!! |!!Bantrack!!| Allow Invite | Switch | | Yes | Module: allowinvite | |
| e | B | Exempt | !!Yes!! | !!Yes!! |Op only, can't useNo | | Block Caps | Switch | | Yes | Module: blockcaps | |
| g | ChanFilter | | !!Yes!!| C | No | | Block CTCP | Switch | Yes | Yes | Module: noctcp | |
| I | Invex | F | Protocol mapper | | !!Yes!! | !!Yes!! |Op only, can't useEnable forwarding | Switch | Yes | Conflict | | |
| q | F | QuietNo | | !!Yes!! | Nick flood | Parameter | Conflict |!!Bantrack!! - freenode only.| Yes | Module: nickflood | |
| w | H | AutoOpNo | | | ChanHistory | Parameter | | !!Yes!!| Yes | Module: chanhistory | |
| X | Access | I | Planned | | | !!Yes!!Invex | List | Yes | Yes | Module: inviteexception | |
| Z | Named modes | | !!Yes!! |
### Setting modes
| Mode | Name | Libera Chat (`k,flj`) | LizardIRC `k,FHJLVdfjl`J | No | | KickNoRejoin | Parameter | | Yes | Module: kicknorejoin | |
|------|---------------|----------|-----------|| K | No | | Disallow KNOCK | Switch | | Yes | Module: knock | |
| d | Delay message | | L | Protocol mapper | | Forwarding | | | !!Yes!!| Yes | Module: redirect | |
| f | Forwarding | !!Yes!!| L | No | | Large list limit | Switch | Yes | | Conflict | | |
| f | Message flood | Conflict | !!Yes!!| M | Protocol mapper | | Quiet unidentified | Switch | | Yes | Module:services_account | |
| F | Nick flood | O | No | | Oper only | Switch | | !!Yes!!| Yes | Module: operchans | |
| H| P | No | | ChanHistory | | !!Yes!!Permanent | Switch | Yes | Yes | Module: permchannels | |
| j| Q | No | | Join Throttle | !!Yes!!Block forwarded | Switch | Yes | | !!Yes!! | |
| J | KickNoRejoin| R | Protocol mapper | | | !!Yes!!Quiet unidentified | Switch | Yes | Conflict | | |
| k | Channel key| R | Protocol mapper | | !!Yes!! | !!Yes!!Req. Services Acct to join | Switch | Conflict | Yes | Module:services_account | |
| l| S | Protocol mapper | | Join Limit | !!Yes!! | !!Yes!!SSL only | Switch | Yes | Conflict | | |
| L| S | No | | Forwarding | | !!Yes!!Strip colour | Switch | Conflict | Yes | Module: stripcolor | |
| V | ??? | | !!Yes!! |
### Flag modes
| Mode | Name | Libera `CFLMPQRSTcgimnprstuz` | LizardIRC `ABCKMOPRSTcimnprstuz`T | Yes | | Block NOTICE | Switch | Yes | Yes | Module: nonotice | |
| V | No | | Ban inheritance | Parameter | | Yes | | Possibly m_banshare.so |
| X | No | | ExemptChanops | List | | Yes | Module: exemptchanops | |
| Y | - | | - | Prefix | | Yes | | |
|------|--------------------|----------|-----------|| Z | No | | Named modes | List | | Yes | Module: namedmodes | |
| A | a | Allow Invite | - | | - | Prefix | | Yes | | |
| B | b | Block CapsPlanned | | | Ban | List | Yes | Yes | Core | |
| c | Block| No | | Strip Colour | | Yes | Switch | Yes | Conflict | | |
| C| c | No | | Block CTCP olour | Switch | Conflict | Yes | Yes | Module: blockcolor | |
| F | Enable forwarding | Yes | d | No | | Delay message | Parameter | | Yes | Module: delaymsg | |
| g | Allow invites | e | Planned | | Exempt | List | Yes | | Yes | Module: banexception | |
| i | f | No | Invite only | Forwarding | Parameter | Yes | Yes | Conflict | | |
| K| f | No | | Disallow KNOCK | | Yes Message flood | Parameter | Conflict | Yes | Module: messageflood | |
| L | g | No | Large list limit | Allow invites | Switch | Yes | Conflict | | |
| m | Moderated | g | No | | ChanFilter | List | Conflict | Yes | Yes | Module: chanfilter | |
| M | Req. Services Acct| h | - | | - | Prefix | | Yes | Yes | | |
| n | No external send | i | Planned | | Invite only | Switch | Yes | Yes | Yes | Core | |
| N| j | No | | No nick changes | | Yes Join Throttle | Parameter | Yes | Yes | Module: joinflood | |
| O | k | Oper onlyPlanned | | | Channel key | Parameter | Yes | Yes | Core | |
| p | Paranoid/private | l | No | | Join Limit | Parameter | Yes | Yes | Conflict |re | |
| p | m | Private lanned | | Conflict| Moderated | Switch | Yes | Yes | Core | |
| P| n | No | | Permanent No external send | Switch | Yes | Yes | Yes | Core | |
| Q | o | - | Block forwarded | - | Prefix | Yes | Yes | | |
| r| p | No | | Registered (depr) Paranoid/private | Switch | Yes | Conflict | Yes || | Partial crossover with InspIRCD +K and +s |
| r | Req. Services Acct | Yes | p | No | | Private | Switch | Conflict | Yes | Conflict |re | |
| R | Req. Services Acct| q | Planned | | Quiet | List | Yes | Conflict | Yes | |
| R| q | - | | Quiet unidentified- | Prefix | Conflict | Yes | | Conflict | |
| s | Secret | Yes | Yes r | No | | Channel is registered | Switch | Conflict | Yes | Module:services_account | Doesn't seem to be in effect on LizardIRC |
| S| r | Protocol mapper | | Strip colour Req. Services Acct to join | Switch | Yes | Conflict | Yes | |
| S | s | SSL only No | | Secret | Switch | Yes | Yes | Conflict |re | |
| t | No | | Topiclock | Switch | Yes | Yes | Yes | Core | |
| T| u | No | | Block NOTICE Auditorium (hides join/part) | Switch | Conflict | Yes | Yes | Module: auditorium | |
| u | Auditorium | Planned | | Unfiltered | Switch | Yes | Conflict | Yes | |
| u | Unfiltered | v | - | | - | Prefix | Yes | Conflict || Yes | | |
| z | Must be SSL | w | No | | AutoOp | List | | Conflict | Yes | Yes | Module: autoop | |
| z | Reduced moderation | Yes | Conflict| Protocol mapper | | SSL only | Switch | Conflict | Yes | Module: sslmodes | |
| z | Protocol mapper | | Reduced moderation | Switch | Yes | Conflict | | |
### Channel-user modes (`PREFIX`)
| Mode Name | Mode | Flag | HexChat colour | Libera `(ov)@+` | LizardIRC `(Yqaohv)!~&@%+` || InspIRCd2 notes |
|-----------|------|------|----------------|----------|-----------|| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| NetAdmin | Y | ! | Red | | Y | !!Yes!! | | Yes | Module: ojoin |
| Owner | | q | ~ | Orange | Conflict | !!Yes!! |Conflict | Yes | Module: chanprotect |
| Admin | | a | & | Yellow | | !!Yes!! | | Yes | Module: chanprotect |
| Op | | o | @ | Green | !!Yes!! | !!Yes!! |Yes | Yes | Core |
| Half-Op | | h | % | Cyan | | !!Yes!! | | Yes | Module: halfop |
| Voice | | v | + | Blue | !!Yes!! | !!Yes!! |Tes | Yes | Core |
## User modes
| Libera | ` DGMQRS Za ghi lop suwz` |
| LizardIRC | `B RSW cghik o rs w` |
| Mode | +o | Name | Libera Chat | LizardIRCNetwork | 004 Numeric response |
|------|----|-------------------------------------|----------|-----------|| --- | --- |
| B | | Bot | | !!Yes!! || Libera | `DGMQRS Za ghi lop suwz` |
| D | | Deaf (ignore all chan messages) | !!Yes!! | LizardIRC | `B RSW cghik o rs w` |
| Mode | IRClib support | Oper-only | Name | Libera Chat | LizardIRC (InspIRCd 2) | InspIRCd2 notes | |
| G | | Soft Caller-ID | Yes | Conflict || --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| G | B | | Protocol Mapper | | Bot | | Conflict | Yes | Yes | Module: botmode | |
| I | | Hide whois idle time | !!Future!!| D | Planned | | Deaf (ignore all chan messages) | Yes | | | |
| M | G | * | Talk through +g (oper:message) No | | Soft Caller-ID | Yes | | | |
| Q | I | | No forwarding | !!Yes!!Yes | | Hide whois idle time | Future | | | |
| R | | Block unidentified private messages | !!Yes!! | !!Yes!! || L | Protocol mapper | | No forwarding | | | Module: redirect | |
| S | M | No | CTCP Block | Conflict | Yes * | Talk through +g (oper:message) | Yes | | | |
| S | Q | X | UMODE_SERVICE Protocol mapper | | No forwarding | Yes | | Conflict | | |
| W | * | No| R | Planned | | Block unidentification on /whois | | Yes ed private messages | Yes | Yes | Module:services_account | |
| Z || S | No | | Connected via TLS | !!Yes!! | Strip colour codes | Conflict | Yes | Module: stripcolor | |
| a | S | X | Server admin | Yes No | X | Network Service | Yes | Conflict | | |
| c | W | No | * | Common channel before PRIVMSGNotification on /whois | | | !!Yes!! || Yes | Module: showwhois | |
| d | Z | No | Deaf (ignore all chan messages) | | Connected via TLS | Yes | | | !!Yes!! | |
| g | a | No | Caller-ID X | Server admin | Yes | | | !!Yes!! | !!Yes!! | | |
| h | * | HelpOps (/stats p) | c | No | | Common channel before PRIVMSG | | Yes | Yes | Module: commonchans | |
| i | g | | Invisible | !!Yes!! | !!Yes!! |Planned | | Caller-ID | Yes | Yes | Module: callerid | |
| k | h | No | | | Yes * | HelpOps (/stats p) | Yes | Yes | Module: helpop | |
| l | i | * | Can see locops (local wallops) Planned | | Invisible | Yes | Yes | | Core | |
| o | k | X | Oper No | X | Network service | | !!Yes!! | !!Yes!! || Yes | Module: servprotect | |
| p | l | * | Oper override No | * | Can see locops (local wallops) | Yes | | Conflict | | |
| p | | o | Privacy lanned | X | Oper | Yes | Yes | Conflict | Yes re | |
| r | p | | No | * | Oper override | Yes | | | Yes |
| s | * | Server not| r | Protocol mapper | | Logged in to services (snomask)account | | Yes | Yes | Yes | Module: services_account | |
| u | s | No | Unfiltered | !!Yes!! | * | Server notices (snomask) | Yes | Yes | Core | |
| w | u | | WallopsPlanned | | Unfiltered | Yes | | !!Yes!! | !!Yes!! | |
| z | w | * | Can see operwalls Planned | | Wallops | Yes | Yes | | Core | |
| z | No | * | Can see operwalls | Yes | | | |