MySQL causes nothing but problems, and is pretty much only used:
a) ~~as a transmission medium between the wiki and the bot~~
b) as a transmission medium between notification systems and the bot
c) as a place to store config files
Examples of the problems we have regularly:
* Objects crossing sessions/txns
* Txns not being committed
* Objects not being refreshed between commands/sessions
* Write conflicts
* Slow read/write performance on underlying schema
* ~~Integration with hmbwiki isn't great and makes dev harder~~
These are the tables we currently have in the schema:
| Table name | Usage status |
|`blockmonitor` | Could be merged into `channel`
|`categoryitems` |
|`channel` |
|`channelwatchers` |
|`crosschannel` |
|`flagaccesslog` |
|`flaggroup` |
|`flaggroup_user` |
|`ignoredpages` |
|`interwikiprefix` |
|`keywords` |
|`message` |
|`shorturlcache` |
|`site` |
|`user` |
|`watcher` |
|`welcomeroverride` |
|`welcomeusers` |