| idx_ban_active | active | | | idx_ban_duration | duration | 765 | | idx_ban_typeactive | "type,active" | 765 | | idx_comment_request | request | | | name | name | 765 | | address_UNIQUE | address | 135 | | log_idx_action | action | 765 | | log_idx_idtype | "objecttype,objectid" | 135 | | log_idx_objectid | objectid | | | log_idx_timestamp | timestamp | | | log_idx_typeuseraction | "objecttype,user,action" | 900 | | log_idx_user | user | | | address_UNIQUE | address | 135 | | acc_pend_status_mailconf | "status,emailconfirm" | 1530 | | ft_useragent | useragent | 65535 | | ip | ip | 765 | | mailconfirm | emailconfirm | 765 | | pend_email_status | "email,emailconfirm" | 2301 | | pend_ip_status | "ip,emailconfirm" | 1530 | | idx_user_lastactive | lastactive | | | idx_user_status | status | 765 | | I_username | username | 765 | | user_email_UNIQUE | email | 765 | | IDX_xfftrustcache_ip | ip | 45 | select index_name, group_concat(s.column_name order by s.seq_in_index separator ','), sum(c.character_octet_length) from statistics s inner join columns c on s.table_schema = c.table_schema and s.table_name = c.table_name and s.column_name = c.column_name where s.table_schema = 'production' group by s.table_name, s.index_name having index_name <> 'PRIMARY';