-- Tested on Oracle 11G XE -- Produces a resultset of MySQL statements which can be run directly on ACC's database to drop the requests without notifications -- This is hard-coded to be me (UID 7) performing the actions. The list of request IDs here should be obvious... select replace(sql.COLUMN_VALUE, '$$RID$$', requests.COLUMN_VALUE) from table(sys.odcinumberlist(257498,257950,259816,260058,260117,260275,260586,260596,260636,260638,260639,260718,260729,260748,260765,260822,260995,260997,261026,261031,261039,261069,261118,261135,261215,261262,261341)) requests cross join table(sys.odcivarchar2list( 'INSERT INTO comment (time, user, comment, visibility, request) VALUES (current_timestamp(), 7, ''self-create'', ''user'', $$RID$$);', 'UPDATE request SET status = ''Closed'', reserved = 0 WHERE id = $$RID$$;', 'INSERT INTO log (objectid, objecttype, user, action, timestamp) VALUES ($$RID$$, ''Request'', 7, ''Closed 0'', current_timestamp());' )) sql;