triggered [[Special:AbuseFilter/1233|filter 1233]], performing the action "edit" on [[Talk:Emergency ammonizing proxy. permission error, is failed, Most people who see this message have done nothing wrong! ⚛ Disclaimer. The content is as wide as possible for your browser window.]]. Actions taken: Disallow ([[Special:AbuseLog/39671265|details]]
14[[07Special:Log/abusefilter14]]4 hit10 02 5* 03180.75.235.136 5* 10180.75.235.136 triggered [[Special:AbuseFilter/1233|filter 1233]], performing the action "edit" on [[02Talk:Emergency ammonizing proxy. permission error, is failed, Most people who see this message have done nothing wrong! ⚛ Disclaimer. The content is as wide as possible for your browser window.10]]. Actions taken: Disallow ([[Special:AbuseLog/39671265|details]]
From: #en.wikipedia