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Unhandled log entry of type translationreview / group
Open, NormalPublic7 Story Points

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Authored By
Feb 21 2025, 12:27 AM
Referenced Files


FuzzyBot changed the state of Korean translations of [[Special:Translate/messagebundle-WikiLearn/Courses/course-v1:Wikimedia-Foundation+wmf commdev partnerships cg+2022/en/block-v1:Wikimedia-Foundation+wmf commdev partnerships cg+2022+type@problem+block@034ecbe232b1458a87001cb8e8142e00|WikiLearn/Courses/course-v1:Wikimedia-Foundation+wmf commdev partnerships c
14[[07Special:Log/translationreview14]]4 group10 02 5* 03FuzzyBot 5*  10FuzzyBot changed the state of Korean translations of [[Special:Translate/messagebundle-WikiLearn/Courses/course-v1:Wikimedia-Foundation+wmf commdev partnerships cg+2022/en/block-v1:Wikimedia-Foundation+wmf commdev partnerships cg+2022+type@problem+block@034ecbe232b1458a87001cb8e8142e00|WikiLearn/Courses/course-v1:Wikimedia-Foundation+wmf commdev partnerships c

From: #meta.wikimedia

Event Timeline

EyeInTheSkyBot created this task.
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for this task from 1 to 2.Fri, Mar 14, 12:12 PM
FuzzyBot changed the state of Japanese translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Allow all registered users the right to semi-protect their own user and talk pages/Proposal|Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Allow all registered users the right to semi-protect their own user and talk pages/Proposal]] fr
14[[07Special:Log/translationreview14]]4 group10 02 5* 03FuzzyBot 5*  10FuzzyBot changed the state of Japanese translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Allow all registered users the right to semi-protect their own user and talk pages/Proposal|Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Allow all registered users the right to semi-protect their own user and talk pages/Proposal]] fr

From: #meta.wikimedia

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for this task from 2 to 3.Fri, Mar 14, 12:52 PM
FuzzyBot changed the state of Japanese translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wiktionary/Automatically sync audio/video/image description of words to all language editions of wiktionary/Proposal|Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wiktionary/Automatically sync audio/video/image description of words to all language editions of wiktio
14[[07Special:Log/translationreview14]]4 group10 02 5* 03FuzzyBot 5*  10FuzzyBot changed the state of Japanese translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wiktionary/Automatically sync audio/video/image description of words to all language editions of wiktionary/Proposal|Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wiktionary/Automatically sync audio/video/image description of words to all language editions of wiktio

From: #meta.wikimedia

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for this task from 3 to 4.Sat, Mar 15, 9:10 PM
FuzzyBot changed the state of Japanese translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audience as a community|Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audien
14[[07Special:Log/translationreview14]]4 group10 02 5* 03FuzzyBot 5*  10FuzzyBot changed the state of Japanese translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audience as a community|Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audien

From: #meta.wikimedia

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for this task from 4 to 5.Thu, Mar 20, 9:59 AM
FuzzyBot changed the state of Japanese translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audience as a community|Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audien
14[[07Special:Log/translationreview14]]4 group10 02 5* 03FuzzyBot 5*  10FuzzyBot changed the state of Japanese translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audience as a community|Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging/Developing mass messaging for an international audien

From: #meta.wikimedia

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for this task from 5 to 6.Tue, Mar 25, 4:04 AM
FuzzyBot changed the state of German translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board work|Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board work]
14[[07Special:Log/translationreview14]]4 group10 02 5* 03FuzzyBot 5*  10FuzzyBot changed the state of German translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board work|Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board work]

From: #meta.wikimedia

EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for this task from 6 to 7.Tue, Mar 25, 4:04 AM
FuzzyBot changed the state of Ukrainian translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board work|Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board wo
14[[07Special:Log/translationreview14]]4 group10 02 5* 03FuzzyBot 5*  10FuzzyBot changed the state of Ukrainian translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board work|Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Conversations/Topic panels/Topic panel: Skills for board wo

From: #meta.wikimedia