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Unhandled log entry of type abusefilter / hit
Closed, InvalidPublic2 Story Points


Man from Syria attacks another man with a knife in downtown Düsseldorf triggered [[Special:AbuseFilter/161|filter 161]], performing the action "edit" on [[User:Mann aus Syrien greift anderen Mann mit Messer in der Düsseldorfer Innenstadt an]]. Actions taken: Disallow ([[Special:AbuseLog/2796216|details
14[[07Special:Log/abusefilter14]]4 hit10 02 5* 03Man from Syria attacks another man with a knife in downtown Düsseldorf 5*  10Man from Syria attacks another man with a knife in downtown Düsseldorf triggered [[Special:AbuseFilter/161|filter 161]], performing the action "edit" on [[02User:Mann aus Syrien greift anderen Mann mit Messer in der Düsseldorfer Innenstadt an10]]. Actions taken: Disallow ([[Special:AbuseLog/2796216|details

From: #meta.wikimedia

Event Timeline

EyeInTheSkyBot created this task.
EyeInTheSkyBot changed the point value for this task from 1 to 2.Aug 5 2024, 2:43 PM
2001:448A:C010:3FA6:6413:C66:FF6D:CDAE triggered [[Special:AbuseFilter/36|filter 36]], performing the action "edit" on [[Research:Development of a training program for teachers to use Wikipedia as a resource for collaborative learning and the development of skills for digital citizenship]]. Actions taken: Warn ([[Special:AbuseLog/280138
14[[07Special:Log/abusefilter14]]4 hit10 02 5* 032001:448A:C010:3FA6:6413:C66:FF6D:CDAE 5*  102001:448A:C010:3FA6:6413:C66:FF6D:CDAE triggered [[Special:AbuseFilter/36|filter 36]], performing the action "edit" on [[02Research:Development of a training program for teachers to use Wikipedia as a resource for collaborative learning and the development of skills for digital citizenship10]]. Actions taken: Warn ([[Special:AbuseLog/280138

From: #meta.wikimedia

stwalkerster claimed this task.