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Unhandled log entry of type translationreview / group
Closed, InvalidPublic1 Story Points


FuzzyBot changed the state of English translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Education/News/March 2023/Wikimarathon is an opportunity to involve students and teachers in creating and editing articles in Wikipedia|Education/News/March 2023/Wikimarathon is an opportunity to involve students and teachers in creating and editing articles in Wikipedia]] from (unset)
14[[07Special:Log/translationreview14]]4 group10 02 5* 03FuzzyBot 5*  10FuzzyBot changed the state of English translations of [[Special:Translate/page-Education/News/March 2023/Wikimarathon is an opportunity to involve students and teachers in creating and editing articles in Wikipedia|Education/News/March 2023/Wikimarathon is an opportunity to involve students and teachers in creating and editing articles in Wikipedia]] from (unset)

From: #meta.wikimedia

Event Timeline

EyeInTheSkyBot created this task.
stwalkerster moved this task from Backlog to Parse failures on the EyeInTheSky board.