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NRE in Sir command
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2018-07-31 18:26:22,224 [6] DEBUG Stwalkerster.IrcClient.IrcClient.Freenode.NetworkClient.Inbound [(null)] - :AntiComposite!~AntiCompo@wikipedia/AntiCompositeNumber PRIVMSG Helpmebot :!sir chrissymad
2018-07-31 18:26:22,225 [6] DEBUG Helpmebot.Legacy.LegacyCommandHandler.LegacyCommandParser [(null)] - Handling received message...
2018-07-31 18:26:22,227 [6] INFO  Default [(null)] - Running command: helpmebot6.Commands.Sir
2018-07-31 18:26:22,230 [6] ERROR Helpmebot.Legacy.LegacyCommandHandler [(null)] - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
   at helpmebot6.Commands.FunStuff.FunCommand.TestAccess () [0x00016] in <b4380276b6d94d82a8b104d07da81aa3>:0
   at helpmebot6.Commands.GenericCommand.RunCommand () [0x00022] in <b4380276b6d94d82a8b104d07da81aa3>:0
   at Helpmebot.Legacy.LegacyCommandParser.HandleCommand (Helpmebot.Legacy.Model.LegacyUser source, System.String destination, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x00179] in <b4380276b6d94d82a8b104d07da81aa3>:0
   at Helpmebot.Legacy.LegacyCommandHandler.ReceivedMessage (System.Object sender, Stwalkerster.IrcClient.Events.MessageReceivedEventArgs e) [0x000cd] in <b4380276b6d94d82a8b104d07da81aa3>:0

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Event Timeline

swalker renamed this task from Fwd: Helpmebot Error Log to NRE in Sir command.Aug 1 2018, 2:53 PM
swalker triaged this task as Normal priority.
swalker updated the task description. (Show Details)
swalker edited projects, added Helpmebot; removed Restricted Project.
swalker shifted this object from the Restricted Space space to the S1 Default space.
stwalkerster changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Aug 13 2018, 6:12 PM
stwalkerster moved this task from Bugs to Stalled on the Helpmebot board.

Also can't recreate this one, probably related to T1308